Lenses & Coatings
Shamir Duo Lenses

Everyone likes to look their best, including those patients who choose to wear bifocals. The visible line across flat-top bifocals, generally seen as an age marker, gives the lens an undesirable look. At the same time, it compromises visual comfort by creating a disturbing image jump.
Addressing the Visual Experience of the Bifocal Wearer
Shamir has developed a new generation of bifocal lenses that provide a more aesthetically appealing solution improving the way the wearer looks, as well as the way they see with Shamir Duo™.
Focusing on the drawbacks bifocal wearers face with both their visual experience, the physical appearance of the lens, and the wearers’ perceived appearance, Shamir’s R&D team set out to develop a solution that solves these problems.

Advantages of Shamir Duo™
A New Look
Shamir Duo™ eliminates the visible age-marking line.

Visual Harmony
Visual comfort matters. With Shamir Duo™, vision is clear and smooth from one visual zone to another.

More Choices
Doing away with limitations, Shamir Duo™ allow a wide choice of materials and premium coatings.

Traditional Bifocals - A good solution, but not without drawbacks.
Flat-top bifocals are a conventional solution for presbyopic needs, however they do include some troublesome disadvantages regarding both how the wearer looks and how they see. With their visible dividing line, flat-top bifocals give the wearer a look that is generally associated with old age and furthermore, flat-top bifocals introduce a vertical surface discontinuity resulting in a disturbing image jump with loss of image as the eye moves from one visual zone to the other.
Traditional bifocal lens wearers have had to compromise on their appearance as well as on the accompanying visual performance… until now.
Shamir Duo™ - A New Visual Harmony
To overcome these disadvantages, Shamir has developed a new bifocal lens design – Shamir Duo™. An advanced Freeform® lens, Shamir Duo™ offers surface continuity, eliminating the visible line. It also offers optical continuity, eliminating the image jump and loss of image. By eliminating these problems associated with traditional bifocal lenses, Shamir Duo™ maintains a natural, distortion free visual path as the eye moves from one vision zone to another.
Now with Shamir Duo™, there is no need to compromise either on appearance or on visual comfort.

More Advantages Than Meets the Eye
In addition to improved appearance as well as improved vision, Shamir Duo™ offers other important advantages over flat-top bifocals which limit the type of lens materials and treatments that can be used, allowing less versatility, and offering patients fewer choices.
A Harmony of Advantages
- Improved appearance: Eliminates the visible dividing line between vision zones
- Improved visual performance: Visual continuity between zones
- Suitable for sunglasses: Tinted, Photochromic and Polarized
- Available in a wide variety of materials including high index for thin, aesthetically appealing lenses
- Suitable for a range of premium coatings
- Ideal for presbyopes with progressive lens adaptation difficulties